Wanna trade three real Bitcoins for one of the scam ones you bought online but never really got?

How do you avoid cryptocurrency scams? The easiest way is just to stay at home and don’t play with your hard-earned cash. But if you’re determined to invest in the somewhat risky world of cryptocurrency, there are a few common scams you should be aware of. As with any scam, being caught out is going to hit … Fortsätt läsa Wanna trade three real Bitcoins for one of the scam ones you bought online but never really got?

Mining Electroneum/ETN on your mobile phone TODAY 2017-11-27

AAMiner a Free Cryptocurrency Miner Indeed you can mine on your phone, and YES, Electroneum/ETNs too! Is it worth it right now, nah, NO. I tested it just for fun, keep reading. With Elecetroneums own mobile miner not even released of todays date. And with no added bonuses for mobile miners it is kinda pointless to … Fortsätt läsa Mining Electroneum/ETN on your mobile phone TODAY 2017-11-27

INS Ecosystem – What is it? Should you invest in it?

What is INS Ecosystem? INS is the first global decentralized ecosystem that will enable consumers to buy groceries directly from manufacturers conveniently and at lower prices. INS will facilitate the direct interaction between consumers and manufacturers. Bypassing retailers and wholesalers means a more personalized and transparent grocery shopping experience at lower prices. Сonsumers will be … Fortsätt läsa INS Ecosystem – What is it? Should you invest in it?

New update from Electroneum – Richard Ells!

Hi Everyone! Firstly, don’t panic – your ETN Coins are safe! To say we’ve had a rocky start is something of an understatement, but I’d like to make sure everyone understands what is going on! As you’ll probably be aware, when we launched there were hundreds of user’s accounts that had been compromised. I need to … Fortsätt läsa New update from Electroneum – Richard Ells!

Invest in PowerLedger

This looks promising. https://powerledger.io/ https://web.powerledger.io/ Check it out and buy at Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-POWR We got a perfect whitepaper Check it out: https://powerledger.io/media/Power-Ledger-Whitepaper-v3.pdf We got government support, this is intresting times https://web.powerledger.io/mediarelease/ Power Ledger is a blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading platform enabling consumers and businesses to sell their surplus solar power to their neighbours without a middleman. … Fortsätt läsa Invest in PowerLedger

Mining Electroneum with your phone

Electroneum is the first cryptocurrency that will allows users to mine it with a mobile phone. This is an exciting new feature that allows millions of people worldwide to get started with cryptocurrency. So let’s discuss how this all works. Electroneum CEO Richard Ells has recently posted a new video of the Electroneum mining app … Fortsätt läsa Mining Electroneum with your phone

Mining pools! Important if you want to make $$$ -Electroneum/ETN

In the context of cryptocurrency mining, a mining pool is the pooling of resources by miners, who share their processing power over a network, to split the reward equally, according to the amount of work they contributed to solving a block. A "share" is awarded to members of the mining pool who present a valid proof-of-work that their miner solved. Mining in pools … Fortsätt läsa Mining pools! Important if you want to make $$$ -Electroneum/ETN

How to Create a Electroneum wallet and transfer to Exchanges

How to Create Electroneum Offline Paper Wallet and How to Transfer ETN to Poloniex, Cryptopia, Yobit, and Liqui and any Future Exchanges You’ve probably heard about an Electroneum paper wallet, and how it’s a good thing to store your coins there. But what is it really? And how do you create one? To understand, we … Fortsätt läsa How to Create a Electroneum wallet and transfer to Exchanges